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The fusion between creativity and strategy is the premise for branding work. I accompany the process of each project so that it is consolidated and lasts over time. Solid experience and teamwork are the pillars of a good identity. Here is a compilation of various works of different scope.

Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz

Biographical exhibition of the singer in the National Bicentennial House


Together with Laura Escobar we designed the image of this exhibition and the museography, supports and itinerary. The curatorship was in charge of Fabián Mattus and Álvaro Rufiner.

Imagen Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz
Imagen Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz
Imagen Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz
Imagen Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz
Imagen Mercedes Sosa. Un pueblo en mi voz