
The font used on this site is Postea font by Typetogether,
designed by José Scaglione and Veronika Burian.
The programming was in charge of Mariano Arias
Idea + love + environment
All projects are approached with their own method,
explored over 30 years of experience,
overcoming each stage until reaching the best result.
With personalized attention and the flexibility to expand the team
according to the need of the project, illustrators, photographers, proofreaders,
writers and web programmers put together a team to reach a high performance results.


In episode 23 of season 3 I was invited. be part of this cycle of documentaries on art and design

Promotional image of the "Mis 15" celebration at the Dabbah-Torrejón art gallery
on the occasion of my first 15 years of work in design

The design of the cover of the CD "Miedo" by Adicta is part of the book A todo volúmen, cover stories of Argentine rock
Folio Project
Together with Laura Escobar, we made an audiovisual record of testimonies on Latin American cultural graphic design. The main referents gave testimony of a book or art catalog project.
They were registered: Diego Bianchi (video), Alejandro Ros, Juan Lo Bianco, Juan Carlos Distefano, Cecilia Szalcowicz, Claudio Filus (Brazil), Georgina Ricci (Rosario), Mario Gemín (Mar del Plata), Vanina Scolavino, Marina Naranjo (Santa Faith), Felipe Kaizer (Sao Paulo Biennial) among others

Note in PLOT magazine about my work in Cultural Design

Article in Japanese magazine +8155 magazine about my work at the head of the Malba design department