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Knowledge of signs and their articulation make editorial work a challenge.
Typographic choice, grid layout, color palette, and image editing are key.
Teamwork with editors. photographers, style correctors.

Kuropatwa in Technicolor

I was Alejandro's student and therefore this book has a special meaning among all those made. Starting from the idea of ​​the 4-color printing system (cyan, magenta, yellow and black), I used it for the different parts of the publication, which includes around one hundred color reproductions, an essay by the curator, an exhaustive biographical chronology by María Gainza , a text by Roberto Jacoby on the Cocktail series and an extensive reference bibliography.

Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor
Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor
Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor
Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor
Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor
Imagen Kuropatwa in Technicolor